About ZinCo
»Decades of experience and close collaboration with science and research inform the new and further development of products and systems for green roofs.«
As one of the leading international companies in the green roof sector, ZinCo has long been a driving force for innovative system solutions. With our expertise and experience, we support clients, architects and planners with their responsible task of providing creative and sustainable designs for their visions and projects.
Roofs provide an immense land reserve which can be converted to valuable green and blue infrastructure with high-level eco performance – including combinations with solar energy generation. Such conversion is more important than ever before given the times we live in with climate change, energy transition and urban densification.
The many and varied green roof designs provide a clearly enhanced quality of life for people and are also an invaluable habitat for many plants and animals.
Let’s make a joint effort here to ensure that our towns and cities can become that little bit greener each day.
»Green roofs help to minimise the effects of heavy rain events and subsequently the consequences of climate change – and that is the future.«

Green roofs are an investment in permanent building protection given the resulting significant extension of the life span of the roof. They protect against UV rays and mechanical and thermal stress, improve sound insulation and act as an additional insulation layer.
The plants bind the dust and pollutants and provide for a natural microclimate, cooling the surrounding area by means of their evaporation capacity. Green roofs store stormwater and are specifically used as retention spaces to reduce the impact of heavy rain events.
ZinCo offers bespoke solutions, specific support for the planning, preparation and design of technical details, and the basics for tender documentation. The global recognition of our expertise today is the result of decades of practical experience acquired on the international stage, across various climate zones and with varying construction methods and statutory codes in relation to green roofs.
»ZinCo sees itself as a creator of intelligent solutions, the aim being to further exploit the performance potential of roofscapes.«
Today our towns and cities are faced with incredible challenges due to climate change, including heavy rain events, flooding, heat stress and water shortage. For this reason, it is vital to create more green and blue infrastructure where the quality of all greening measures in urban spaces is crucial.
Roofs offer enormous potential as an urban land reserve. It is precisely in these spaces that we can establish natural species-rich habitats, store water, improve the microclimate and generate solar energy. Numerous synergy effects are enabled by combining solar power systems with green roofs. ZinCo innovative green roof systems provide such ecosystem services.
The Stormwater Retention Roof, Urban Climate Roof, and solar and biodiverse green roofs provide well-engineered system technology for new builds and existing surfaces, and for both individual buildings and entire neighbourhoods. ZinCo systems can be adapted and combined to suit many different contexts, and can be integrated into network solutions. Digital capability can further expand the performance capability of these systems.
»More than two decades of practical experience and over two million square metres of solar energy roofs combined with green roofs speaks for ZinCo.«
The sun, a limitless source of energy, plays a central role for humans and nature. Exposed roof areas are ideal for generating renewable energy through photovoltaics. Indeed, solar and green have proven to be the perfect combination as they offer both technical and economic benefits.
A green roof provides for a comparatively cool surrounding temperature and in this way improves the efficiency of the photovoltaic unit.
ZinCo was a pioneer in this area and in 2009 already carried out the first measurements in relation to increased efficiency which have since been confirmed by various institutions around the world. The ZinCo Solar Base is stabilised using the superimposed load of the plant substrate, which in turn allows for the installation of the solar energy unit without the need to penetrate the roof waterproof membrane. More than two decades of practical experience have provided conclusive proof of these benefits.
»Water is one of the most valuable resources and is vital for human and plant life.«

Water is a vital resource. Therefore, it is important to think in terms of water cycles, and to ensure that stormwater, grey water and drinking water are handled in a sustainable manner. Instead of sending stormwater straight into the sewer system, it should be stored, used and evaporated in the sense of a sponge city.
Green roofs store stormwater in plants, substrates, in filter and drainage layers and in special retention spacers that provide storage space beneath the green roof build-up. Depending on the build-up, between 40% and 99% of annual precipitation can be stored and evaporated. This takes the burden off the sewer system and improves the microclimate by means of cooling and by filtering out particulate matter. Excess water is ideally sent to water storage and infiltration systems. Stormwater and grey water can be used for irrigating plants and flushing toilets. Such networked solutions are crucial for effective water management on and with roofs.
»Incorporating natural habitats into architecture is true added value.«
Contemporary architecture has a high level of societal responsibility in every aspect, given that it defines our habitats. The aesthetics of nature add another construction dimension and create space for totally new ideas. Green roof spaces become a personal paradise for rest and recreation, in conjunction with our living environment. In the public realm, green roofs offer people the opportunity to come together for relaxation and active leisure activities. In this way, the integration of natural habitats into the building architecture translates into real added value.
Green roofs can be set up as genuine biotopes with a huge variety of species, and they then contribute greatly to the preservation of biodiversity. Plant types that have adapted to the climate will find a permanent habitat, providing life resources for many native animal types. Beetles, wild bees and butterflies will find food and shelter. On the one hand, vegetation that is native to the region can be established on the roof. On the other hand, even existing green roofs can be upgraded with simple biodiverse modules. In this way, the scope for creativity increases together with the ecological value of the green roof.
»Humans and their relationship with nature and with life in an ecologically intact environment take centre stage at ZinCo.«
The best solutions are arrived at through committed people collaborating with passion and vision. This is true both in-house and in the relationship with all our partners.
Architects, planners and clients can give free rein to their creativity in relation to roofs. At ZinCo, they will find advice, support and reliable, premium quality construction solutions that will allow them to realise their ideas.
The promotion of young talent too is close to our hearts, which is why students will be supported in university competitions and in their doctoral research programmes. In addition, ZinCo is involved in many projects and activities relating to the protection of nature and the environment. It is also committed at national and international level to various research projects with the aim of bringing nature onto our roofs in the best possible and most sustainable manner.
ZinCo sees its societal responsibility in the creation of sustainable green habitats, the aim being to enhance the quality of life and the health of people living in urban areas, to reduce the impact of climate change and to protect our natural life resources.