Avling Kitchen and Brewery, Toronto

Bird's eye view onto a green roof
project profile data
Area: ca. 400 m²
Construction year: 2019/2020
Architect: LAMAS Architecture Ltd., Toronto
Contractor: Ginkgo Sustainability Inc., Etobicoke
System build-up: ”Urban Farming“ with Floradrain® FD 40-E

Beside the restaurant and the brewery, the 400 m² roof garden is an essential component of the Avling Kitchen and Brewery conception: it provides tasting ingredients from their own roof garden for both business units. The company’s declared goal is to have a sustainable and organic farm with a wide variety of indigenous plants. This includes herbs, vegetables, cereal grain, and naturally hops. Flowers are also grown there, as they are important for a vibrant ecosystem. The type of crop is also selected with a view to allowing for the longest possible harvest period through the year. In order to use the 2 %-pitched roof for growing, a system build-up was needed that is appropriate for crops. The choice was made in favour of the “Urban Rooftop Farming“ System Build-up. It’s core piece is the 40 mm deep drainage and water retention element Floradrain® FD 40-E which stores stormwater in its upper cells and draws excess water off safely to the roof outlets through its underlying channel system. It also provides for an optimal water-air balance which is vital to enable the vegetation to become permanently established.

  • Vegetable garden
    Avling Kitchen and Brewery is currently also research partner with ZinCo Canada to establish data on soil amendments for rooftop farms using FLL growing media. © Avling
  • Vegetable garden
    Everything is grown organically, self-harvested and used straight from the garden by the restaurant kitchen. © Avling
  • Vegetable garden with raised beds and small greenhouses
    For most of the plants, a system substrate depth of 200 mm is sufficient, however, certain types of plants thrive in the raised beds with up to 600 mm substrate depth. © Avling
  • Lettuce is being harvested
    The “farm to table” idea puts the harvested crops directly onto the plate! © Avling
  1. Vegetable garden
  2. Vegetable garden
  3. Vegetable garden with raised beds and small greenhouses
  4. Lettuce is being harvested