Bodegas Ramón Bilbao, La Rioja

Pitched green roof in full bloom
project profile data


ca. 2,000 m²

Construction year:



Bodegas Ramón Bilbao, Haro (La Rioja)

Roofing Contractor:

PERICA - obras y Servicios S.A, San Asensio (La Rioja)

System build-up:

“Pitched Green Roof“ with Floraset® FS 75 and “Steep Pitched Green Roof“ with Georaster®

Founded in 1924, the winery Ramón Bilbao is located in the famous Spanish wine-growing region of La Rioja. In 2017 it was expanded from around 4,500 m² to more than 21,000 m² as part of an extensive renovation. One of the key aims was to “bring the vineyard closer to the winery”. At the same time, the architecture was to be made more attractive for the more than 10,000 visitors to the winery every year. Visitors should be immersed in the landscape of the vineyard as soon as they arrive. The roof of the entrance building was therefore planted with typical vineyard vegetation and the numerous vines in front of the building leave no doubt as to where you are. Due to the barrel shape of the roof, the tried and tested pitched roof systems with FS 75 in the less steep areas and Georaster® in the steepest areas of the roof were used for the greening. This prevents the substrate from slipping. The considerable shear forces due to the size of the pitched roof are safely transferred into the roof structure by concrete shear barriers.

  • Building with a green roof and vines in front
    The green roof and the vines in front of the building create a unique and inviting ambience.
  • Pitched green roof with mediterranean vegetation
    The roof of the entrance building is planted with typical vegetation of this region.
  • Roof surface with waterproofing
    Stable shear barriers transfer the shear forces into the roof structure.
  • Floraset® FS 75 and Georaster® are being installed
    Floraset® FS 75 and Georaster® elements were installed in the pitched and steep pitched roof areas.
  • Green roof with drip irrigation
    Good irrigation is important during the sensitive growth phase.